Dr. dr. (Phd-UCN) Johann Lechner
Medical Management
Dentist and alternative practitioner
More than 40 years of professional experience in integrative dentistry; author of numerous reference books and publications.
Founder and Head of Medical Department
Since 1980, Dr. Dr. Johann Lechner has worked in his holistic dentist practice.
Focused on
- Dental interference field diagnostics
- Dental interference field remediation
- Metal-free all-ceramic restorations and ceramic implants
- Amalgam remediation
Member of the board of directors of DAH (German Working Group for Hearth and Regulation Research) and GZM (International Society for Holistic Dentistry) for several years and gives multilingual lectures globally on holistic dentistry. Accredited scientific publications and 10 over book publications.
- From 1996 Introduction of the ACCU-Liner® system for orthocranial prosthetics from the USA to Germany.
- 1998 Introduction of the zirconia CAD/CAM technique in Germany for the fabrication and clinical application of metal-free dentures.
- 2002 Guest lecturer at the Capital University of Washington DC.
- 2003 Awarded the research prize of the GZM.
- 2003 Appointment to teach at the Danube University Krems.
- 2005 Foundation of FocoDent (www.focodent.de) with the key objectives:
- Systemic interference field diagnosie
- Detoxification therapy and infusions/Detox infusions
- Antibiotic-free immunomodulation with ozone therapy
- AntiAging infusion therapy
- Psycho-emotional coaching